Nu mai bat câmpii, şi preiau articolul.
Ce-ar fi ca un singur articol pe blog sa ajute o victima a cutremurului/tsunami-ului din Japonia? Ce-ar fi ca blogul vostru sa fie marturie clara ca suntem solidari semenilor nostri, aflati in mare suferinta? Ce-ar fi ca noi sa ne ridicam in ochii celor care ne judeca, ca si popor, cu un simplu click, aratandu-le, inca o data pentru totdeauna, ca avem un suflet prea mare pentru universul asta si un spirit viu, ca nu intoarcem spatele nimanui, oricat de daramati ne-am afla? Ce-ar fi sa cream o motivatie, mai puternica decat orice altceva, de a scrie? Ce-ar fi daca…
Stim cu totii prin ce au trecut japonezii recent, respectiv, din ziua fatidica de 11 martie 2011. Si mai stim ca sunt multi, prea multi care au disparut dar si mai numerosi cei care n-au acoperis deasupra capului, cu copii prea mici sa se lupte cu natura, inca lipiti de mamele lor, cu mult noroc, sau poate de un oricare alt om, care a avut soarta fericita, asemeni lui, sa supravietuiasca. Asa cum acel copil si-a gasit un suflet sa-l protejeze, si noi trebuie sa ii protejam pe ei, oferindu-le cate 2 $, scriind un articol si postandu-l pe blogul personal.
PostNJoy si ECPlaza au avut aceasta initiativa de a da o mana de ajutor Japoniei. Tot ei va invita sa va inregistrati postul aici, pe aceasta pagina. Pentru 500 de articole scrise si inregistrate la PostNJoy victimele din Japonia vor primi 1000 $. Hai sa triplam, sa inzecim chiar, suma. Eu sunt convinsa ca se poate. Un mic efort care nu implica nimic altceva decat sa scrieti, asa cum faceti intotdeauna, pe propriul blog. Inregistrati-va articolul aici, la “Help Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Victims“. Creati-va un cont pentru a finaliza inregistrarea. Si cam atat!! Este greu?!
– Cerintele postului/articolului-
1. SCRIE sau CITEAZA despre situatia curenta a dezastrului din Japonia.
2. INCLUDE in articol si lista organizatiilor binecunoscute, care se implica in ajutarea victimelor cutremurului din Japonia.
Organization |
American Red Cross | |
Doctors Without Borders | |
Causes | |
Just Giving | |
International Medical Corps | |
Salvation Army | |
Global Giving | |
Give2Asia | |
3. OFERA idei in scopul ajutarii victimelor cutremurului si tsunami-ului din Japonia.
4. IMPRASTIE articolul pe siturile sociale, ca Twitter, Facebook sau YouTube.
5. INCLUDE in articol si imaginile, cuvintele sau frazele cheie oferite.
- 1. Trebuie sa includeti cel putin un cuvant cheie in titlul articolului.
- 2. Postul trebuie sa includa cel putin una din frazele cheie:
Help Japan earthquake and tsunami victims
Your small help can console the victims of tsunami and quake
PostNjoy donates $2 for each posts registered at PostNjoy
- 3. In continutul postului trebuie sa includeti imaginea de mai jos: <img src=”” width=”400″ height=”353" alt=”Help Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Victims” >
6. NU STERGE articolul timp de 30 de zile dupa ce campania expira ( la 30.aprilie.2011 expira).
Va puteti inspira din acest text pentru a crea acest articol:
HELP JAPAN! On March 11th, Friday Japan was hit by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded. The magnitude-9.0 quake spawned a deadly tsunami that slammed into the nation’s east coast, leaving a huge swath of devastation in its wake. The devastation in Japan is simply horrific. The death toll is rising by the hour. Tens of thousands remain missing, more than 450,000 people have been displaced, and millions lack access to food, water, electricity, and medicine. And as rescue and relief workers struggle to operate around the clock, Japan must also contend with partial meltdowns and the escalating risk of an even worse catastrophe at several nuclear reactors. Right now the people of Japan are in crisis, their resources are stretched thin, and they need our help. Many organizations are already on the ground providing relief, including Doctors Without Borders and the Red Cross. You can provide immediate assistance by donating to help fund the emergency response.
Haideti sa ajutam victimele din Japonia!!!!!
Singurii care au de castigat sunt japonezii, nici eu, nici tu, nimeni altcineva nu castiga decat dreptul de a avea constiinta impacata ca a ridicat macar un deget.
What would be like a single blog post could help a victim of the earthquake / tsunami in Japan? What would be like your blog could be a clear testament that we are sympathetic to our peers, who are in great suffering? What would be like if we could rise up a step into peoples’eyes, who judge us as a nation (romanian people), with a simple click, showing them once and for all, that we own a heart too big for this universe and that our spirit is still alive, we do not turn our back to anyone, however we find ourselves demolished? What would be like we could create a motivation, more powerful than anything else, to write? What if …
We all know what the Japenese went through recently, from that fateful day of 11 March 2011. And we know that there are many, too many who disappeared, but many more people, who doesn’t have a roof over their head, with children too young to fight nature, still glued to their mothers, with some luck, or perhaps glued to any other man/woman, who had the fortunate fate, like that child, to survive. As the child has found a soul to protect him, we should try to protect them, too, offering each $ 2 by writing an article and posting it on Your blog.
PostNJoy ECPlaza took the initiative to give a helping hand to Japan. So, they invited you to register your post here, on this page . 500 articles written and recorded on PostNJoy and Japan victims will receive $ 1,000. Let’s triple, even tenfold the amount. I am convinced that it can happen. A small effort that does not involve anything else but write, as always do on your own blog. Register article here on “Help Earthquake and Tsunami Victims Japan” . Create an account to complete registration. That’s all! Is it hard?
– Posting Requirements –
1. WRITE or QUOTE current situations about Japan’s disaster.
2. PUT provided list of relief organization providing aid to victims of Japan’s earthquake.
Organization |
American Red Cross | |
Doctors Without Borders | |
Causes | |
Just Giving | |
International Medical Corps | |
Salvation Army | |
Global Giving | |
Give2Asia | |
3. GIVE better ideas on helping earthquake & tsunami victims.
4. SPREAD your posting via Social Media such as Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
5. PUT provided images, keywords and key phrases in your post.
· 1. You must include at least one of the following keywords in your blog post title.
- 2. Your blog post must contain at least one of the following sentences.
Help Japan earthquake and tsunami victims
Your small help can console the victims of tsunami and quake
PostNjoy donates $2 for each posts registered at PostNjoy
- 3. Within your entry you must include one image of this campaign. <img src=”” width=”400″ height=”353″ alt=”Help Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Victims” >
6. DO NOT erase the post for 30 days after the Opp. expires.
You can inspire from this text to create the article:
HELP JAPAN! On March 11th, Friday Japan was hit by one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded. The magnitude-9.0 quake spawned a deadly tsunami that slammed into the nation’s east coast, leaving a huge swath of devastation in its wake. The devastation in Japan is simply horrific. The death toll is rising by the hour. Tens of thousands remain missing, more than 450,000 people have been displaced, and millions lack access to food, water, electricity, and medicine. And as rescue and relief workers struggle to operate around the clock, Japan must also contend with partial meltdowns and the escalating risk of an even worse catastrophe at several nuclear reactors. Right now the people of Japan are in crisis, their resources are stretched thin, and they need our help. Many organizations are already on the ground providing relief, including Doctors Without Borders and the Red Cross. You can provide immediate assistance by donating to help fund the emergency response.
Let’s help victims of Japan !!!!!
The only ones who benefit are the Japanese, neither I, nor You, nobody else wins but the right to have peace of mind that lifted even a finger.