Colectia Puisorul Nazdravan/Chicken Socks, sau cartile mele de suflet pentru copii

Am primit prima dată o carte din această colecţie acum vreo 2 ani, pentru o prezentare pe blog. Apăruse la Editura Teora, şi nu cred că a fost vreo carte care să-mi provoace mai multă plăcere decât Animale din ciucurei. Am descoperit apoi încet versiunile în limba română, şi le-am căutat pe cele originale, în engleză.

Sunt, după mine, cele mai faine idei de cadouri pentru copiii de grădiniţă şi ciclu primar, pentru aniversări, zile onomastice, dar şi aduse de Iepuraş sau Moş Crăciun. Este compromisul ideal între o jucărie, o carte, şi o idee de petrecere a timpului liber. Mai e un pic până la sezonul sărbătorilor, dacă calculăm în livrări, verificări şi lichidări de stocuri…

Dacă nu le cunoaşteţi, iată ce conţine colecţia "Chicken Socks", sau "Puişorul Năzdrăvan".

How to Make Pom Pom Animals

How to Make Pom Pom Animals/ Animale din ciucurei

Este disponibilă şi în limba română, la Editura Teora. Cartea conţine o rezervă cu ciucuri coloraţi, de diferite dimensiuni şi culori, precum şi toate indicaţiile pentru a confecţiona animale din aceştia. Vezi aici articolul dedicat.

Are 16 pagini 19x19cm, cu modele (fluture, libelulă, albinuţă, buburuză, păsărele, broască ţestoasă, şoricel, oiţă, ursuleţ, raton, pinguin, pisică, broscuţă, căţel), la care se adaugă două file ştanţate cu aripioare şi lăbuţe. Cartea se prezintă într-un format grafic deosebit, cu file din carton subţire, lucios.


How to Make Pom Pom Animals

Căsuţa gândăceilor

Căsuţa 3D a gândăceilor este o soluţie de "căsuţă pentru păpuşi" când nu prea aveţi spaţiu de depozitare.

Cartea are cu file groase şi lucioase. Include bile din lemn, pictate, şi sârme pluşate pentru realizarea insectelor. Pe lângă cele 6 file cu explicaţii şi cele cinci care alcătuiesc coperta, există şi 3 file cu şabloane detaşabile şi o folie cu autocolante diverse. Copiii pot schimba gândacii de haine, să-i pună să citească poveşti sau să doarmă. 

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Totally Tape

Totally Tape/Jocuri cu bandă adezivă colorată

Cartea are 20 de pagini color şi peste 60 de metri de bandă adezivă colorată.

Pot fi create tablouri folosind benzi de hârtie, şi este recomandată de la 4 ani.

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Hand Art: A Trace and Colour Handbook

Hand Art / Micul artist

Micul artist cuprinde idei despre ce poţi crea pornind de la conturul mâinii: dragoni, broaşte, câini, extratereştri, raţe, pisici, monştri, păuni, curcani, oameni etc. Pentru detaliile necesare fiecărui animal, setul include ochişori mobili, lipici, ciucuri şi creioane cerate.

Cartea conţine o mulţime de idei ce pot fi folosite acasă sau la grădiniţă.

Pachetul include 31 ciucuri, 9 creioane, 27 ochi mobili, recipient cu lipici. Recomandată de la 4 ani.

O puteţi găsi aici: Book

Make Your Own Twinkly Tiaras

Make Your Own Twinkly Tiaras/ Coroniţe pentru fetiţe

Dacă aveţi acasă o fetiţă înnebunită după coroniţe şi lucruri strălucitoare, o puteţi lăsa să aleagă cum îşi doreşte să arate coroana perfectă. Chiar trei. ?i o mulţime de pietre, pietricele, floricele şi alte accesorii care să-i satisfacă gusturile.

Cartea include şi un şablon pentru a confecţiona şi alte coroniţe, dacă se schimba gusturile.

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Amazing Lacing

Amazing Lacing/ ?ireţelul bublucaş

?ireţelul bublucaş conţine 9 pagini perforate, cu modele, prin care puteţi introduce cele 10 şireturi din pachet, pentru a completa imaginile în cele mai variate moduri şi culori.

Dezvoltă îndemânarea copiilor, şi poate fi folosită de la cele mai mici vârste. Normal, sub supravegherea unui adult.

O puteţi găsi aici: Book

Pop Bead Critters

Pop Bead Critters/ Animale din mărgeluţe

Aceste margele pot fi montate împreună, pot fi confecţionate coliere, brăţări şi lanţuri, ori păianjeni, stele de mare şi caracatiţe.

Se pot desface cu uşurinţă şi sunt re-utilizabile.

Nu se recomandă copiilor foarte mici, deoarece piesele pot fi înghiţite.

O puteţi găsi aici: Book

Paper Purses

Paper Purses/ Gentuţe pentru fetiţe

Gentuţe din hârtie este o carte pentru fetiţele care vor deja să fie "la modă". Include patru poşete pre-îndoite, gata de a fi decorate. Fetele pot decora portmonee lor cu bijuterii, paiete, ţesături şi forme din spumă.

De asemenea, sunt incluse o multime de accesorii pentru a umple geanta, cum ar fi telefoanele mobile, ochelari de soare, bani şi alte mărunţişuri.

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Mermaid's Palace

Mermaid’s Palace / Palatul micilor sirene

Dacă vreţi o casă pentru păpuşi, dar nu prea aveţi loc unde să o instalaţi, palatul micilor prinţese este o idee mobilă. Se poate întinde, ca o carte pop-up, cât timp copilul are chef de joacă, apoi se strânge ca o carte in bibliotecă.

Include numeroase modele pentru a decora sirenele şi a mobila palatul acestora.

O puteţi găsi aici: Book

Foam Gliders

Foam Gliders / Construieşte avioane

Aceasta este o colecţie de cinci modele de planoare uşor de confecţionat din spumă. Pachetul conţine piesele predecupate cu instrucţiuni simple de asamblare. Planoarele au un vârf solid, amortisor, care le protejează la impact şi la aterizările mai dificile.

Conţine şi autocolante pentru decorarea planoarelor.

O puteţi găsi aici: Book

Make Your Own Twirly Tutu

Make Your Own Twirly Tutu / Mica balerină

Orice fetiţă visează să devină balerină, chiar dacă nu pe scenă, măcar acasă. Sau prinţesă, sau zână. Cartea îi ajută pe copii să pună repede în aplicare aceste idei şi să confecţioneze un costum.

Pachetul conţine tul roz, două nuanţe, o panglică de satin roz, şi band elastică. Castea mai conţine şi coroniţe, papucei de dans şi aripioare.

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The Superhero Starter Kit

The Superhero Starter Kit / Super-Eroul

Cartea conţine elementele de bază pentru a echipa un super-erou. Rezistente şi strălucitoare, sunt tocmai potrivite unul copil curajos. Ai la dispoziţie măşti, brăţări, şi trei pagini de autocolante pentru a decora echipamentul, dar şi sfaturi pentru viitorii eroi.

Conţine: o pelerină roşie, trei măşti predecupate, trei perechi de brăţări, trei pagini de autocolante.

O puteţi găsi aici: Book | |

Cam atât cu cele pe care le găsiţi şi la noi, traduse. Mai jos sunt alte cărţi din coleţie, dar care sunt disponibile numai în limba engleză.

Make Your Own Paper Flowers

Make Your Own Paper Flowers

This title includes easy to assemble individual blooms, bouquets, and accessories. All without scissors or glue. It also includes fuzzy striped pipe cleaners, paper leaves and 72 pre-cut paper petals, in gorgeous colors.

Book depository | Okian

Build Your Own Monsters!: With Moving Parts

Build Your Own Monsters!: With Moving Parts

This title comes with poseable monsters to mix and match! The book includes over 50 interchangeable punch-out monster parts, colourful paper fasteners, stickers, peel-and-stick googly eyes and a storage envelope to keep everything tidy.

Book depository | Okian

Super Simple Sewing

Super Simple Sewing

This book contains easy-to-follow instructions and diagrams that demonstrate how to sew. Everything needed comes with the book, including a child-friendly needle, three pre-cut patterns, ribbon, thread, felt flowers and embellishments. Projects include a purse, a headband or bracelet, and a backpack bug buddy.

Book depository | Okian

Magnetic A-Z

Magnetic A-Z

Announcing a brilliant cross between a book and a refrigerator door. Three of this book’s pages are heavy-guage steel, silk screened with helpful art. The other 12 pages are cardstock and filled with the familiar Klutz wit and imagination. The magnets themselves go from A to Z – literally: 26 custom-made, brightly coloured, finger-friendly letters. With the assistance of our vaunted brand of editorial goofballs, early readers are led through lettering and simple word-building, as well as a little recess time making letter pictures. (Turnsut you can make a fine caterpillar with a capital B and D. Who knew?)

Book depository

Short Stuffs: Create Your Own No-Sew Stuffed Animals

Short Stuffs: Create Your Own No-Sew Stuffed Animals

With Short Stuffs, kids get to make their own snuggly friend without sewing a single stitch. Just stuff the two soft fabric bodies with the included squishy pillows. Then choose from the ready-made felt features – ears, noses, arms, and tails – to create your own animals. Sturdy Velcro tabs ensure that all of the parts attach and detach with ease, so you can make a monkey, mouse, dog, cat, bird, bunny, or perhaps a flying beaked bunny that loves to monkey around. Comes With: 2 fabric bodies with plastic eyes and nose, 7 soft stuffing pillows, 13 felt pieces with Velcro – Create wonderful things – Be good – Have fun

Book depository


Crayon Rubbings: A Bumpity Colouring Book

Crayon Rubbings

This is a bumpity new twist to colouring. Put the specially designed plastic bumpy plates under every picture and …just rub! It contains everything you need: 8 different bumpy plates, 6 glitter crayons, 1 rainbow crayon brick, and loads of pictures to colour in. It is much more fun than just colouring.

Book depository

Draw it Again

Draw it Again

Each page has a bright photograph of a simple, familiar object with hints how to transform it – so a banana becomes a happy face, a snail or a shark. This title features laminated pages, erasable, washable felt-tip pens and a rubber in a zip-lock pouch.

Book depository | Okian

Castle: A Fold-out Kingdom

Castle: A Fold-out Kingdom

The beautifully illustrated, durable card pages pop up to become the castle walls and moat. Bring out the included king, queen, prince, princess, jester, jousters, knights and fire-breathing dragon – not to mention the fully functional catapult – and let the adventures begin!

Book depository

Rescue Trucks

Rescue Trucks

"Rescue Trucks" is ideal for the young emergency enthusiast. It’s pages actually fold out and turn into extra-long highways – full-colour playscapes featuring all sorts of calamities: fallen bridges, flooded highways, forest fires and so on. Flip the fold-out over and a new set of playscapes (with black and white art) invite a lot of colour-me-in-time. We threw in build-‘em-yourself instructions for things like paper tube tunnels and shoebox bridges. Last but not least, of course, are the hardworking rescue vehicles themselves, a fire engine, olice cruiser, tow truck and snow plough. These emergency rigs really roll and are ready to respond to the next urgent call. It’s an entire search-and-rescue team, table-top style.

Book depository

The Foam Book

The Foam Book

This may look like a 7.5-inch-square book, but don’t be fooled by appearances. Inside, it’s a million miles wide (roughly the size of a young imagination). It comes with a bunch of foam shapes and a glue stick – all the tools you need to build anything you want. Each page is filled with inspirational artwork that can be copied exactly or cheerfully ignored. Either way, the book works brilliantly – a fenceless playground for boundless imaginations.

Book depository

Fun with Felt

Fun with Felt

"Fun with Felt" is a sixteen page book with two leaves (four pages) of fuzzy backgrounds on which to play with the colourful felt shapes, pompoms and rainbow yarn. There are also loads of photographed felt creations to give added inspiration. This is an activity that can be used over and over and over again. Everything you need is included with the book – just open and play. There’s no glue, so no big mess. Dumpbin available Catalogue for 2007 will be available. Hatching parties event packs are available.

Book depository

Penny Games

Penny Games

With 25 bright, shiny new pennies as tokens, this activity book contains all the boards and playing pieces needed for three different games. Full color. Pkg. Consumable.

Book depository

Utterly Elegant Tea Parties

Utterly Elegant Tea Parties

"Utterly Elegant Tea Parties" is a charming little book about putting on charming little tea parties. Delicious recipes for really little food that’s really little (no cooking of course), irresistible party themes and fetching fashion ideas are sure to make any young hostess the mostest. And, in the spirit of no-detail-unattended, we’ve even included two pages of punch-out place mats, place cards and menus. Of course, the book comes with a complete mini-tea set of our own design (kid finger friendly and safety tested) that includes cups, saucers, plates and silverware, along with a real pouring teapot. It’s a dainty serving of dress-up fun with universal little girl appeal – utter joy.

Book depository

How to Tell Time

How to Tell Time

Introduces the concept of time and includes a real watch to practice with.

Book depository

Build & Launch Foam Rockets

Build & Launch Foam Rockets

This work presents three rockets to create and launch into the air. It includes power air launcher, six punch-out rocket ships and three foam tubes. It also includes instructions on how to create an astronaut helmet.

Book depository | Okian

Dress-Up Your Own Paper Pups

Dress-Up Your Own Paper Pups

Create many different looks for two pampered pups! This title comes with everything needed to dress the cut-out Chihuahua and Yorkshire Terrier pups in 12 different outfits, including eight pages of punch-out clothes, gem stickers, a ready made tutu and a handy carrier to keep everything safe. Dogs made with the help of this book are of non-tear paper.

Book depository | Okian

Eye Find: A Picture Puzzle Book

Eye Find: A Picture Puzzle Book

Solve the mind-boggling picture puzzles on every page of this book using the three cool searching tools – one to magnify, one to find colours with and a ‘flashlight’ to use in the dark! With challenging games and amazing optical tricks, this book is sure to keep little hands busy.

Book depository | Okian

Little Letters: Your First Letter-writing Set

Little Letters

"Little Letters" are just right for little hands. It includes pretty note cards, postcards, stickers, envelopes and notepad. It also contains a door-knob, post box, and instructions for making a decorated postage tube. Plus simple instructions on how to write and address letters and cards.

Book depository | Okian

The Super Scissors Book

The Super Scissors Book

CAUTION:Scissors have functional sharp edges. Not recommended for children under 4Kids are irresistibly drawn to scissors so naturally they’ll love this book to pieces. Cut up the pages, add some tape and suddenly you’ve got a flock of finger puppets, a flying carpet, a pot full of posies ? and that’s just the beginning. In all, there are 13 projects, with fully illustrated instructions so simple even a parent could follow them. Toss in two pairs of brightly colored, kid-friendly scissors (one straight-edged, one snaggletooth) and 140 pieces of pre-cut tape and you’ve got a craft book thats a cut above the rest.Comes With: 2 kid-friendly scissors, 1 sheet of precut pieces? Create wonderful things ? Be good ? Have fun

Book depository

Melty Beads

Melty Beads

Take a bunch of plastic beads and put them (artfully, of course) onto a pegboard. Get a grown-up to iron them together and – presto! Off pops a permanent piece of art. We love this classic activity – but all we could find on the market were tiny frustration-sized beads packaged with tiny pegboards. A kid-pleaser like this deserves something better. "Melty Beads" for instance. Packaged with 600 big beads that are friendly to little fingers, this book comes with a sturdy plastic pegboard and plenty of inspirationa artwork. It’s a complete, ready-to-peg package.

Book depository

Clothespin Cuties

Clothespin Cuties

WARNING: CHOKING HAZARD! Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs.Consider the clothespin: a homey, humble, little object – trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly and, of course, hopelessly out of date. You know what it needs? A makeover! With Clothespin Cuties, six simple steps turn a clothespin into a seriously adorable mermaid, princess or ballerina. Everything needed to create all three is here: two kinds of yarn, faux flower petals, special sequins and glue. And since our clothespins even come with personalities (permanently painted, friendly little faces), the transformation couldn’t be easier. Comes With: 3 clothespins, yarn (chenille & varigated), punch-out stands & accessories, 3 faux flower pieces, 20 sequins, glue – Create wonderful things – Be good – Have fun

Book depository | Okian

Clothespin Cars

Clothespin Cars

This title features three wooden cars to make out of nothing but clothespins. It contains easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions and 3 painted clothespins.

Book depository

Highlight This Book

Highlight This Book

A five-color highlighter pen and a book to make your mark in

Book depository

Magic Painting

Magic Painting

Make a masterpiece in minutes! Special paper makes pictures appear like magic! Just dip the special sponge brush in water and paint. Brush on the colours and watch the pictures appear. It contains special brush, a palette of fabulous funky colours, and special ‘magic’ paper!

Book depository


Cristina H.
Ultimele postari ale lui Cristina H. (vezi toate)
Posted in Cărţi pentru copii, Ce pot face doua maini dibace, Editura Teora and tagged , , , , .


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